Patented Technology US8751594 B2
LaVoult 5.2 coming to an app store near you

Lavoult's worldwide encrypted internal email and messaging solution
Patent number US8751594 B2

About LaVoult’s Technology
Server Ownership
Enterprise owns the communication server and encryption keys. Additionally, LaVoult is a white label offering.
End-to-End Privacy
LaVoult’s secure data network and storage is protected by the same industry-standard encryption used by many government agencies and businesses, including banks and financial institutions. LaVoult uses two powerful cryptographic technology protocols, Transport Layer Security (TLS 1.2) and SHA-256.
Carrier-grade Encryption
Ensures the utmost private lines of secured communication and data storage protection. With LaVoult, private communication archives are never left on your desktop or mobile device.
Multi-platform Support
Compatible with all your business critical devices, including Apple iOS for iPhone and iPad, Google’s Android for mobile phones and tables and Apple’s MacOS and Microsoft’s Windows 7 for desktop and notebook PCs
Variable Security Levels
LaVoult’s messaging platform offers several options for real-time messaging, including the ability to determine the lifespan and security level of a messaging conversation such as, “For-your-eyes-only, self-erasing,” and “Limited life span” private messaging with no archiving. Patent US8751594.
Reliable Security
Beyond using the most powerful cryptographic technology to guard client data, LaVoult also adheres to National Security Agency (NSA) and Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) standards.

Now More Than Ever
Enterprises should take ownership of all their communications. LaVoult offers an encrypted solution for today’s corporations looking to secure and own their communication data.
App Offerings
White Label Offering

LaVoult is a platform that enables you to easily Operate and Own “ private communication network”

Our Solutions Offers
LaVoult’s Encrypted Platform Apps for IOS, Android, Mac and Pc
Encrypted Server in your data center, behind your firewalls under your control.
Fully encrypted cloud offering
Ephemeral and Normal archivable messaging and “Internal- Email”
Chat Groups (Normal and Private messaging modes)

Our Story

Led by the belief that
we all need privacy!
LaVoult is a startup technology company based in San Diego, CA, that provides patented, leading- edge solutions for secure messaging.